Networking, experiencing and growing together.

Throughout the year, we organize a wide range of events exclusively for our members – from information evenings and networking events to leisure activities.


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We shape the future.

We shape the future.

Bild eines Vortragenden

17.10.2024 – Open Mic with Alfred: Tai Chi Session for Beginners

At our recent Open Mic, CINT Volunteer Alfred once again guided us through the fascinating world of tai chi.

Alfred kicked off with an engaging presentation on Chinese philosophy, the principles of standing meditation, and the many benefits of Tai Chi. Then it was time to put theory into practice! Under Alfred’s expert guidance, we tried out various exercises to help us harmonize our yin and yang. By the end of the session, we felt both deeply relaxed and wonderfully energized!

A big thank you to Alfred for being such a welcoming host and wonderful teacher. We hope our participants enjoyed the experience as much as we did!

17.10.2024 – Personal & Professional Compass, Workshop 4 – Let’s do it: Job Interviews, Simulations & Presentation Techniques

Our career training series of 2024 has come to a successful close! In the fourth and final workshop, we tackled one of the most crucial steps in the application process: the job interview.

Participants had the chance to practice their interview skills through roleplays, simulating real-life conversations with potential employers. Our expert Kathrin from the Career Center of the University of Graz provided valuable tips on how to make a strong impression and present themselves confidently.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us on this journey. We hope you’re feeling ready to take on your next career challenge!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

10.10.2024 – Welcome Workshop for Newcomers & Networkers

During our Welcome Workshop, Veronika and Julia were excited to introduce newcomers to cultural particularities expatriates might encounter while living in Austria and to catch up with expatriates who have already been calling Styria their home for quite some time.

It was great to get to know each other better and to observe such a dynamic exchange of experiences. We hope you had as much fun as we did!

26.09.2024 – Online Information Evening „Secondary Education & Other Options for Children of 10 and Older“

During our online session, “Secondary Education & Other Possibilities for Children of 10 and Older”, parents got the chance to learn about different secondary school options in Graz, requirements, and the registration process. Thanks to the guidance of our expert, Dr Ingrid Gehrke, the participants certainly gained new insights and received answers to relevant questions.

We thank Mrs Gehrke for sharing her expertise and shout out to everyone who joined the session. See you soon at the next CINT event!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

21.09.2024 – Open Mic with Sinem: Hike to Mariatrost

What an incredible day we had hiking from Hilmteich to Mariatrost! In glorious weather, we embarked on our journey along the scenic Rosegger Trail, enjoying a serene walk through the forest and up the hills to the stunning basilica. Our breaktimes were filled with great conversations and opportunities to connect with each other, making the experience even more memorable.

We thank Sinem for organizing and hosting this wonderful hike for the CINT community and hope that everyone enjoyed the trip. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures with CINT!

14.09.2024 – Excursion „Adventure Beneath & Beyond“

During this year's excursion, we embarked on an adventure to Austria's biggest stalactite cave: the Lurgrotte in Semriach. In a guided tour, we learned more about the discovery of the cave, saw some bats, enjoyed a sound & light show, and found many beautiful and funny rock formations such as witches and pirate ships.

After our cave adventure, we enjoyed delicious Austrian dishes and cakes at a restaurant on the foot of the Kesselfallklamm.

We thank you for participating despite the rather bad weather. We still made the best of it and hope you had as much fun as we did!

27.07.2024 – Open Mic: Disc Golf with Dmitry

Our amazing CINT Volunteer, Dmitry, hosted yet another fantastic disc golf event, inviting other expatriates to join the fun.

With blue skies and warm temperatures, the nice Rosenhain Parcours was the perfect backdrop for a day of fun and friendly competition. Connecting with fellow CINT members while learning and playing disc golf made for an unforgettable experience.

A huge thank you to Dmitry for sharing his enthusiasm and expertise with us for the fourth time already. We hope everyone enjoyed the event. Looking forward to more exciting activities together!

29.06.2024 – Open Mic: Disc Golf with Dmitry

CINT Volunteer Dmitry once again invited expatriates to join in for another round of disc golf. In sunny weather, we surely had a fun-filled time throwing discs on the course of the picturesque Rosenhain in Graz, all while connecting with fellow members of the CINT community.

We hope everyone enjoyed the activity and extend our heartfelt thanks to Dmitry for once again sharing his hobby with us!

27.06.2024 – Stammtisch No. 2

This year’s "Stammtisch" entered its second round!

CINT Volunteers Anuja, Esraa and Solomon hosted our regular’s table at Kunsthauscafé and met with other expatriates of the CINT community. We hope you enjoyed the nice conversations and encounters.
We thank you for stopping by and wish you a wonderful summer! A big THANK YOU to Anuja, Esraa, and Solomon for representing CINT so wonderfully

We are already excited to see you again for the 3rd edition of the Stammtisch in November!

20.06.2024 – Personal & Professional Compass, Workshop 3 – Get Ready: CV, Labor Market & Your Unique Story”

Ready to conquer the Austrian job market!

At the third workshop of our career training series for spouses and partners, we learned how to convince potential employers on paper. From design and layout of the perfect CV to information on job search and the application process itself.. our expert from the Career Center of the University of Graz taught us how it’s done.

We thank our expert Kathrin for the great tips and our participants for their keen interest!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

12.06.2024 – Online Information Evening „All About Pregnancy & Childbirth“

We e-met our expert Lisa to learn all about pregnancy & childbirth in Styria. From health and work-related aspects during pregnancy, to administrative tasks after childbirth, our expert Lisa guided us thoroughly through each step and happily answered the many questions the attendees had on the topic.

Thank you all for joining the online session! Special thanks go to Lisa for sharing her knowledge with us!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

25.05.2024 – Open Mic: Disc Golf with Dmitry
Following our first session in April, our CINT Volunteer Dmitry once again invited expatriates to play disc golf together. At the beautiful Rosenhain in Graz, the participants met for a fun Saturday morning full of throwing discs at the parcour and comnnecting with other members of the CINT community. We hope everyone enjoyed this activity & thank Dmitry for his time and good cooperation!

We hope that everyone enjoyed it and thank Dmitry for his time and the good cooperation!

15.05.2025 – Open Mic: Tai Chi Session with Alfred

CINT Volunteer Alfred introduced us to the world of tai chi. After a short presentation on Chinese philosophy, the concept of standing meditation, and the benefits of tai chi, the participants went on to put their new knowledge into practice. Under the professional eye of Alfred, we underwent several exercises and learned how to balance our yin and yang. We must say that we felt both relaxed and energized after the session!

We thank Alfred for being such a friendly and well-organized host, and hope the participants enjoyed the event as much as we did!

24.04.2024 – Online Information Evening “Buying Real Estate in Austria”

During our online information evening, our expert Alix explained what you need to know before buying a house or an apartment in Styria. We dived into relevant topics such as arising taxes, land register, and loans. Glad to see that so many global talents are interested in buying real estate in Austria, proof that Styria is indeed a great place to live and settle down.

We thank Alix for sharing his expertise with us. And thank you all for e-meeting us!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

20.04.2024 – Open Mic: Disc Golf with Dmitry

CINT Volunteer Dmitry invited other expatriates to a fun disc golf session at the Rosenhain in Graz. Even if it might have been the participants’ first time trying out this rather unknown sport, thanks to the great support of Dmitry, everyone soon got the hang of it.

A big shout-out to Dmitry for sharing his hobby with us and doing such a great job organizing and hosting this leisure activity in his role of CINT volunteer!

17.04.2024 – Welcome Workshop for Newcomers & Networkers
During our Welcome Workshop, Veronika and Stefanie were excited to introduce newcomers to cultural particularities expatriates might encounter living in Austria.

It was great to get to know each other better and to observe such a dynamic exchange of experiences. We hope you had as much fun as we did!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Members Area on our website.

11.04.2024 – Personal & Professional Compass, Workshop 2 – Plan: Your Future Career in Austria

Leadership coach and HR expert Gertraud gave our participants tips for planning their future careers in Austria. The attendees created a strategic plan to guide them on their career path and keep them on track. It was inspiring to learn about everyone's aspirations. Fingers crossed that you will professionally skyrocket in Styria!

Thank you, Gertraud, for sharing your recruiting experience with our CINT community!

Thank you, dear expatriates, for participating! We would be happy to see you again for the third part of the workshop series in June.

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

27.03.2024 - HR cross-cluster event "(International) onboarding: rocket launch or rollercoaster ride?"

In cooperation with the HTS Cluster, CINT invited HR managers and company representatives to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences at the event (Internationales) Onboarding: Raketenstart oder Achterbahnfahrt?“ at Lendhafen. The event focussed on the most important aspects of successful onboarding as well as the opportunities and challenges that international onboarding entails. Leadership coach Gertraud Eregger took the audience on the journey of global talents and explained why especially the first 90 days count. Rosula Handel-Reboly from Nuki Home Solutions GmbH and Viktoria Gmeinhart from AT & S gave a behind-the-scenes look at the internal onboarding processes at these top Styrian companies.

Thank you for the dynamic exchange!

22.03.2024 – Culinary Experience „Persian New Year“

In the occasion of Persian New Year, known as "Nowruz", we met at Safran Restaurant for our very first culinary experience. Our CINT Volunteer Pouria gave us insights into Persian customs, culture, and, of course, cuisine. We tasted various delicacies and enjoyed our journey in good company, a nice ambience, and a welcoming community. Kudos to Pouria - you were an excellent host and impeccable organiser!! Thank you all for having spent the evening together with us!

07.03.2024/12.03.2024 – Online & On-site Information Evenings “Taxes and Social Security Framework for Expatriates”
With taxes being an important issue for everyone, we organized two events on taxes and social security framework for expatriates together with the tax consultants from BDO. On March 7th, we met online, inviting also expatriates living outside of Graz, to introduce them to the Austrian tax system and to discuss important facts on tax return, deduction, and many other subjects. On March 12th, BDO invited us to their office, where the attendants had the opportunity to face-to-face-consultations and networking with other expatriates. We hope you gained new knowledge during the Q&A sessions – thank you for your keen interest in the sessions! We are grateful for having BDO as an expert to guide us through the various processes.

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website. 

29.02.2024 – Stammtisch No. 1
For the first time, our regular's table, called "Stammtisch", was hosted by our CINT Volunteers! Elise and Anuja met with many other expatriates at Kunsthauscafé Graz to get to know each other, have nice conversations, and share experiences. Thank you for stopping by and, hopefully, see you soon for Stammtisch No. 2 in June! And a big shout-out to Anuja and Elise for doing such a great job!
15.02.2024 – Personal and Professional Compass, Workshop 1 – Find: Your Talent & Identity
At the first workshop of our career training series, we dived into our unique talents and passions to map out our individual missions here in Styria. We thank leadership coach Gertraud for her expertise and guidance. A big shout-out to our inspiring women who joined us! See you soon for the second workshop in April!

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website.

25.01.2024 – Online-Information Evening „Childcare and Primary School“
During this online event, our expert Rachel provided us with the most important things to know when it comes to childcare facilities, kindergartens, and primary schools in Graz. She presented the various options in Graz with each of their specifics, and she talked about topics such as enrolment, obligatory kindergarten year, and support for international children.

CINT members can now find the presentation in the Download Area on our website. 

19.01.2024 – CINT Ice Skating Event

We invited our CINT community to go ice skating with us at Grazer Winterwelt. Whether you were a first-time skater or already a pro, adult or a child: We had so much fun on the ice with you! The hot drink afterwards was certainly well-deserved!

We hope that you enjoyed the evening and that you perhaps found a new winter hobby to pursue in the future!

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